Wednesday, May 5, 2010

G1BO is a smart choice. He is the smart's choice!

I have finally come up with a decision. I finally know who I'm voting for in this coming Presidential elections. I was initially torn between Gordon and Gibo for they were the two best candidates for the post. However, with the help of some articles, websites, fan pages, and the like, I have decided to go for Green. Yes, Gibo is my president.

It is both upsetting and frustrating how the national elections (this and the earlier ones) have become more like a popularity contest than an election where we're supposed to vote based on credentials, legislative accomplishments, and everything of the sort. Most of us think that by voting, we have already exercised our right as a citizen of this country. Yes, that's right. Even I believe that but I also believe that it doesn't just end there. To fully exercise our right to vote entails voting with the right reasons. Vote because you believe in your candidate, in his platform, plans, and capabilities. There are no wrong candidates in every election only better ones. One is always better than the rest and that's why you should root for that candidate, whoever it is. Voting will not definitely make you look apolitical but wasting your vote will make you one. Voting based on the wrong reasons is far worse than not voting at all. Isn't this the time when it is relevant to say that the future is in our hands?

I am not gonna vote for the lesser evil or for someone who has repeatedly, time and again, stressed out that he will end poverty. Instead, I will vote for someone who has aside from concrete plans on how to bring about positive change in the country's situation, also has a deeper knowledge and understanding of leadership. With this, let me quote Gibo, "I believe the country, more important than needing a strong leader, needs strong leadership. This is the difference between what I perceive to be contemporary viewpoints, the failure to distinguish between the person and the institution. Oftentimes, strong leadership is built around an individual and stays that way, while I believe in creating lasting institutions with the clear position that my participation will be temporary."

The last line of his statement was my favorite. With our economic situation, what we need is a leader like him; someone who walks the talk, works with integrity, and has a genuine want to put our country back on track. The other candidates may also have these attributes. It's just that with my president, I AM CERTAIN.

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