
I've highlighted those parts which I think really applies to me right now. It's funny that it's super appropriate. How the hell was that possible? :D
The other side of the Pisces personality could come as a shock to Gemini as it is nothing that he/she may have been prepared for. Gemini will want to know the reason behind everything that Pisces will do and Pisces on the other hand will withdraw into his/her own self to work out the problems and make a decision on what he/she wants without ever giving a reason. Either Gemini learns to accept, and live with, this facet of the personality or it will cause a lot of friction. Gemini often needs to exercise his/her mental abilities with the opposite sex, and this will cause the Piscean jealousy to escalate in intensity; something Gemini cannot abide.
Sexually, this would be a great match for a short wild relationship but would be awful shaky in the long run. Although Pisces can provide the greatest mental stimulation for arousal this will only lead to trying to resolve their differences in the bedroom until they come to realize that they must both face the world in order to survive.